So, tell us a bit about OFFGRID. What’s it all about?

OFFGRID design and print organic cotton t-shirts for your everyday adventures. Every t-shirt features cool designs inspired by stuff we like - outdoor life, running, biking, kale smoothies, finding the ultimate stones to skim and general fun.

What’s important to you and what inspires you?

Basically we just love being outdoors and we hope that comes through in our designs. We believe in ethical, sustainable and organic lifestyles and we like to think we’re doing our bit for the environment. We grow our veggies organically so why not have the same ethos for what we wear?

Anything else you want to tell us?

OFFGRID uses sustainable 100% Organic cotton that offers a softer, more even finish – great for printing on and it’s super soft to touch. The cotton is produced without chemicals or GMOs, so it helps improve soil fertility and biodiversity because of crop rotation and better control of water irrigation. Our t-shirts are kind on your skin and the environment.